Finding Reason

If we are to make a change in the world with science as a tool for good, we must listen to the stories of why people come to science, how they value and use science in their lives, and how science helps and hinders societal progress.

As a new generation of the civic science community assembles and works to create a compass towards longer-term plans, if it is to live up to its civic intent, it must center diverse articulations of what it will look like to reach this goal, and also what it looks like when that doesn’t happen. Our ultimate hope is that these stories will lead us to a place, a people, and a plan to satisfy our collective longing for what science could be but isn’t…yet.

The stories shared in this publication are far-reaching — they’re personal, they ask hard questions, they share intimate responses and above all, they collectively ask for science to be done differently. They point to the urgent need to build science that centers the person, that acknowledges its power and position and reshapes its structures with a lens of justice.

We invite you to read deeply, open your heart, learn anew, and reflect: 

When you’ve finished your work in this world, what do you hope to have done to shift the way people receive science’s power, benefits, and wonder? 

Looking out seven generations to come, what encounters with science do you hope your ancestors will experience as commonplace that you are not yet experiencing today?

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